Yesterday was wet, very wet; not a day for photographing a high power to weight open topped car. No.

Fortunately all was not lost, I was in Plymouth to photograph people and a car though not necessarily at the same time. The existing staff headshots on the company website were OK but it was time for a re-vamp.

So we knocked together a studio in a small empty office for the formal shots but also took some ‘filler’ shots within the working environment. These value added items aren’t intended as hero-shots, more as add ons to create depth to a brochure or website.

Creating a Photography Studio in an Office

The impromptu ‘studio’ space was typical office fare, magnolia walls and almost too much light. It would have been very easy to of for a soft high-key look but the client was keen to go with a stronger look. Lighting was with a couple of Bowens Gemini Pros although with a some of the shots only a single Gemini way used with the daylight (left of frame) forming the fill, the Nikon D800e did the capture. The mono conversions were worked up within Lightroom which I increasingly find a preferable option for portraits than Silver Efex.

The main shots were supplied to the client as both monos and colour although the shoot was taken with a black and white outcome firmly in mind.