Kate Sturgess is a highly experienced presenter of all types of programmes and live events who has made broadcast programmes, presented corporate television, hosted live events and awards and even appeared in TV ads.

Having relocated to the South West, Kate commissioned Andrew Butler to shoot a new set of headshots to be used on both her new website as well as by her professional agent. Looking for simple and honest headshots we agreed an extended session to allow a number of clothing and lighting changes. In addition we planned, weather permitting, to do some external shots, ideally using natural lighting.

Portrait Studio Setup

Portrait Headshot Photographic Studio Exeter Devon

Working from Topsham, near Exeter our studio setup allowed for a range of lighting approaches to work well with Kate’s clothing choices. On the day Karin joined us and as ever assisted admirably.

Studio lighting is all about control and balance, a bit of space helps make everything a bit easier too. We used a simple four-light setup using the Bowens Geminis backed up by the trusty Bowens Esprit 1000s. Modifiers were again some nice large Bowens Wafers with one of the rear lights being swung forward to provide a subtle hair-light as and when it was needed.

Kate had mentioned an interest in some B&W shots and the striped top almost cried out for a mono treatment. I’m pleased to see that Kate has used this image almost exactly as I had visualised as the lead shot on her new website.

Kate Sturgess was unbelievably professional to work with, I commented to her afterwards that I had found the experience an education myself. The session felt relaxed and we covered a good amount of ground leaving Kate with a good selection of images to filter into her professional representation.

Gallery of Professional Headshot Photographs for Agents

Dear Andrew and Karin,
Just to say thank you for a great shoot; really relaxed, lovely lunch and good company – very much appreciated!