I think it’s fair to say that on this day I took more headshot photographs than most others in Devon!

Chloe had called a month or two earlier and asked about the possibility of me visiting the conference that her organisation was facilitating with a view to capturing great headshot photos of all of the delegates. The rationale was that this was a good and consistent format would be achieved when the images were to be applied to an online directory.

It’s my belief that multiple headshot sessions need managing very well to achieve great images and to keep a track of the data. With that in mind we agreed to create an A4 printout of every sitter’s name that they would hold up as an ID at the start of their slot. Name-tags would have done but this method enabled us to keep track of the previous visitors and the order that they were shot. The next task was to present me with willing participants!

We had basically brought my studio set up as used a day earlier in Barnfield Crescent and re-located it in Sandy Park, allowing for a flexible but still engaging lighting setup.

Interestingly the sitters quite simply ‘got on with it’. maybe the lure of coffee or lunch added focus but we managed to fit everyone into the breaks meaning that the flow of the conference wasn’t interrupted.

If you are interested in the setup have a look here

Multiple Headshots Taken at a Conference