
Headshot Session for Exeter Eye Surgeon

Harry visited the Exeter headshot studio in Southernhay a while ago! To be honest I'd assumed that I'd written it up at the time. Checking back to my diary we'd gone to Berlin a couple of days later and in the interim I'd photographed another surgeon too! Anyway, I've just photographed Harry again, [...]


Actor Headshots in Exeter for Ben

A really fun headshot photography session for actor Ben Fensome. In part the headshots were needed following a recent hair-shortening exercise, not the first time recently that this has been a driver. The lead image was a throwaway moment when Ben's comedic side broke through but I love the shot! The images were [...]


Photography for Specialist PR Company at Exeter Airport

It's great to have a good backdrop for PR headshot photography but it's not everyday that one is offered nearly five million dollars' worth of luxury jet. This set is an example of what can be achieved in a relatively short period of time, around half an hour in total in this instance. [...]

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