It’s great to have a good backdrop for PR headshot photography but it’s not everyday that one is offered nearly five million dollars’ worth of luxury jet.

This set is an example of what can be achieved in a relatively short period of time, around half an hour in total in this instance.

The images below are drawn from a larger set presented to Garnett Keeler PR in Surrey. The shoot was taken mid-afternoon on a Friday and a selection was FTP’d to the client later that afternoon to reassure everyone that the job was in the can; worked up files were delivered via FTP shortly afterwards.

The images of Capital Air Charter Managing Director and Chief Pilot Malcolm Humphries were commissioned to support PR articles by Garnett Keeler who had contacted Andrew Butler a short time earlier.

A selection of photos were presented to fit differing page layouts and potential moods. Although fundamentally portraits it is great to have a background that allows space for the subject to breathe.