Ema recently visited the Exeter headshot photography studio for a Saturday photoshoot.

The studio was initially set up to light full length portraits so we spent time creating a set of these.

Subsequently Ema took a break whilst the lighting was re-set to suit portrait lighting. Initially we worked with a light background but Ema really liked the look of the dark background shots a they came through.

This was the first shoot with the new MacBook Pro and it performed really well. With most of the work in the studio being tethered – the camera downloading immediately to the computer – it was great to know that the new tech was working correctly.

Ultimately though the sitting was about Ema who brought a huge amount of energy and fun to the session, a great start to the new year!

Hello Andrew,

Thank you so much for everything, it was such great and fun day! Thank you so much again it has been a pleasure to meet you.

Oh, and the shot at the top conveys the mood of the session, it’s totally un-retouched!