Chloe asked me to do a quick headshot recently at the end of an event that I’d been photographing at Exeter Racecourse. I had photographed her a while ago at my day of 100 headshots but it was literally a light test, she was laughing at colleagues in the shots! At the time I found that Chloe was a photography graduate with a specialism in portraiture; how to open up the insecurity cracks hey?

This is almost the opposite of the way I usually work, no prep, no lighting, high(ish) ISO and without a tripod, although I did have the trusty monopod. I think Chloe nailed it though, as ever always the consummate professional. I had literally five minutes to sort things out. We were up at an event at Exeter Racecourse, outside the skies were grey but the weather was looming so although there was a suitable light the conditions were threatening rain. Indoors every wall seemed to have great shots of race-horses hanging, and there were a lot of people around. The lobby was fee and there were a couple of decorative light-trees that were turned off so I turned one on.

There were three images taken using window light as the key light and the tree to add a background. Chloe was last heard of in Bali.

Note to self: buy one of those LED trees.