Headshot Photography Blog

Photography Studio: New Ways of Working

I don't know if regular visitors to the studio would notice the change but it is constantly developing. This weekend a ridiculous amount of excitement was had as a result of the arrival of a small, inexpensive steamer (good-part alert) that will also make a cup of tea! As well as the paper [...]

2019-09-04T18:33:56+01:00Headshots, Tech Talk|

Professional Headshots for Exeter Designers

Inês visited the Exeter Southernhay Headshot studio yesterday for a portrait photograph for her new professional website. Keen to achieve a range of shots to express herself and her role as a designer-maker we took photographs with a range of looks including wearing her favourite makers' apron. In truth the mono image here is one [...]

2024-05-22T09:47:07+01:00Full Headshot Session|

Professional Headshots in Exeter on a Weekend

Whilst most of our commercial headshot studio photography sessions are undertaken during office hours on occasions we run shoots on the weekend. The studio environment has a slightly different feel at the weekends but simply if the schedule doesn't work otherwise, why not? Such was the case with Joe who popped in on a Saturday [...]

2019-08-18T17:06:52+01:00Full Headshot Session|

Headshot Photography for Exeter Spacemen

I first photographed Tim Wadsworth quite some time ago, I once emerged from a swim in a reservoir pretending to be Tim, so it was a delight to re-shoot Tim as well as his colleagues Ian and David recently. As ever, the pleasure is seeing the work up there on their website and seeing the [...]

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